Category: Ultrasound Therapy

Non-opioid-treatment-for-chronic-pain.jpeg May20th 2020

Non-Opioid Treatment For Chronic Pain: Why You Need Physical Therapy.

If you’re dealing with the misery of chronic pain, you may feel like taking opioid medication is the only way to feel like a functional person. But, there’s actually a better way: physical therapy can relieve your pain and help you recover without relying on opioid medications. The Problems of Opioid Medications To understand why

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3-Things-to-do-to-wake-up-feeling-better Mar10th 2020

Say goodbye to those morning aches and pains. 3 Things to do to wake up feeling better.

1. Drink More Water Throughout the Day 2. Get Adequate Sleep 3. Stretch

Proper Posture Alleviate Back Pain Jan10th 2020

The Top 5 Ways Proper Posture can Help Alleviate Back Pain

Everyone has heard the importance of sitting or standing up straight. However, maintaining proper posture at all hours of the day is usually easier said than done. Many people experience back pain due to poor posture. Sitting and standing up straight allows for proper spinal alignment, which can prevent back pain. However, it can be

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